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Privacy Policy



The protection of personal data is one of the most important priorities of [Seylan Ready-made Clothing Industry and Foreign Trade Limited Company] (the Company) and in order to comply with all applicable laws in this regard, especially in relation to Personal Data. Protection Law No. 6698 (the Law) makes every effort. As part of this Policy on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data (Policy), the Company explains the basic principles that it adopts in relation to activities related to the processing of personal data, and thereby ensures the necessary transparency by informing the owners of personal data. With full understanding of our responsibilities in this context, your personal data is processed and protected within the framework of this Policy.


This Policy; This applies to all personal data of individuals processed by the Company, whether fully or partially automated or manually, provided that it is part of any data recording system.


Processing of personal data


Your personal data may only be processed in accordance with the procedures and principles provided for by law.

When processing personal data, we act in accordance with the following principles.

a) Compliance with the law and rules of integrity.

b) Be accurate and up to date when necessary.

c) Processing for specific, clear and legitimate purposes.

ç) Being related to the purpose for which they are processed, limited and proportionate.

d) Stored for the period required by relevant legislation or necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.


Conditions for processing personal data

Your personal data is processed in accordance with your explicit consent. However, subject to the following conditions, we may process your personal data without your explicit consent and only by notifying you.

Situations when it is possible to process personal data without your explicit consent;

a) This is clearly provided by law.

b) It is necessary to protect the life or physical integrity of a person or other person who is unable to express his consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent has no legal effect.

c) Processing of personal data of the parties to the contract is necessary provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or execution of the contract.

ç) The data controller is obliged to comply with its legal obligations.

d) it was made public by the interested party.

e) Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right.

f) Data processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of our data controller, provided that this does not prejudice your fundamental rights and freedoms.

There may be only one of these conditions that is the basis for the processing of your personal data, or there may be more than one condition.

Your specific personal data is not processed by us.


Disclosure of information about the owner of personal data

The company informs owners of personal data in accordance with Article 10 of the Law and by-laws. In this context, the Company informs relevant persons about who processes personal data as data controller and for what purposes, for what purposes it is transferred, to whom, by what methods it is collected, legal reason and rights. data owners as part of the processing of their personal data. You can access our user information text here.


Transfer of personal data

The company may transfer the personal data of the personal data subject to third parties (third party companies, public and private bodies, third individuals) by taking the necessary security measures in accordance with the legitimate purposes of processing personal data and in accordance with the law. . At the same time, the Company acts in accordance with the rules provided for in Article 8 of the Law.


Ensuring the security of personal data

In accordance with Article 12 of the Law, the Company takes the necessary measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure, access, transfer of personal data or security deficiencies that may otherwise arise. In this regard, technical and administrative measures are taken and checks are carried out or carried out to ensure the required level of security in accordance with the guidelines published by the Personal Data Protection Council (the Council).


Storage and destruction of personal data

The Company stores personal data for the period necessary for the purposes of their processing and in accordance with the minimum periods provided for by the legal legislation governing the relevant activities. In this case, the Company first determines whether the relevant legislation provides for a period for storing personal data, and if the period is determined, it acts in accordance with this period. In the absence of a statutory period, personal data is stored for the period necessary for the purpose of its processing. Upon expiration of the specified storage periods, personal data is destroyed in accordance with the periods of periodic destruction or the application of the data subject and the specified methods of destruction (deletion and/or destruction and/or depersonalization).


Protecting personal data from data leakage

According to paragraph 5 of Article 12 of the Law, in the event that personal data processed by other persons is obtained by other illegal means, in other words, in the event of a leak of personal data, the Company is obliged to notify the relevant party and the Board of Directors. As soon as possible.


To avoid data leakage, the Company takes all necessary precautions by conducting a risk assessment before leaking personal data, taking into account the Law, the KVKK regulations and all administrative and technical measures specified in this policy. In the event of a personal data leak, the Company conducts a preliminary assessment of the leak and undertakes prevention and recovery efforts to reduce the consequences of the leak as a result of a risk assessment. He notifies the Council of the studies carried out immediately and no later than 72 hours.


Rights of the owner of personal data and exercise of rights

Owners of personal data, you may submit requests regarding your rights listed below to our Company in ways determined by the Council (specified in the text of the information).

Owners of personal data have the following rights:

  • Find out whether your personal data is being processed or not.
  • Request information if your personal data has been processed.
  • Find out the purpose of processing your personal data and whether it is used for its intended purpose.
  • Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is shared at home or abroad,
  • Request correction of your personal data if it has been processed incorrectly or incompletely, and request that actions taken in this context be communicated to third parties to whom your personal data was transferred.
  • Requesting the erasure or destruction of your personal data in the event that the reasons requiring processing no longer exist, even if they have been processed in accordance with the law and other relevant legal provisions, as well as the requirement to notify third parties of the actions taken in this context. to whom your personal data was transferred.
  • Object to the occurrence of unfavorable human results by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated systems.
  • Claim compensation if you have suffered damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data.

Please click for details and to apply.


Response to requests from personal data owners

Our company takes the necessary administrative and technical measures to finalize the statements of the owner of personal data in accordance with the Law and regulations.

If the owner of personal data duly submits a request for his rights to our Company, the corresponding request will be processed free of charge as soon as possible, but no later than within thirty (30) days, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires additional costs, a fee may be charged in accordance with the tariff established by the Council.